Crypto banking is on the rise and is expected to be an important part of banking in the future. The SAQ is now running the exams. The first exam dates are now available. The exams will be conducted remotely.
Die Tätigkeit eines Immobilienmaklers ist sehr vielseitig und anspruchsvoll. Der Verkaufsprozess zudem komplex und erfordert umfassendes Fachwissen. Erlangen Sie jetzt die notwendige Expertise.
Section Geneva
Section Central Switzerland
Section Bern
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Personal certifications make theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge skills visible, transparent and internationally comparable. A SAQ certificate identifies the person as an expert in his or her professional activity.
Based on the certified standard, Client Advisors Bank can be certified for the demanding tasks and strengthen the trust of the clients.
Il corso si rivolge a membri di CdA di piccole-medie imprese (PMI) e aspiranti membri di CdA e si svolge solo in Italia.
Together with our partners, we certify a series of programmes in the field of IT.
The SAQ certificate identifies experienced communication experts in strategy, consulting and leadership, regardless of their educational and training background
The SAQ certificate and the internationally recognised AKAD course offer security and skills for qualified work in an SME board of directors.
Incrementare la sensibilità di manager e imprenditori per i temi della sostenibilità e della responsabilità rispetto ai processi di corporate governance.
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