Personnel certifications make theoretical knowledge and practical skills visible, transparent and internationally comparable. A SAQ certificate identifies the person as an expert in his or her professional activity.
While a diploma usually proves a successfully completed study, a certificate confirms facts about an object, a person, a professional function or an organisation.
The SAQ Swiss Association for Quality has been certifying people for more than 50 years and offers personal certifications of professional qualifications accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS) according to SN EN 17024. With the increasing complexity of occupational fields and the specialisation of job profiles, this supplementary certification of performance is becoming even more important in career planning.
SAQ: independent, objective and impartial
As an internationally recognised certification body, the SAQ Swiss Association for Quality is committed to objectivity and impartiality as well as to proactively meeting requirements. The SAQ is impartial, politically independent and acts with integrity.
Initial and recertification
Certain certificates are valid indefinitely. Others have to be renewed according to a pre-defined rhythm by means of certificates. Recertification guarantees third parties that the holder's know-how is up to date, even in complex fields of work.
European recognition
The SAQ Swiss Association for Quality has been a member of the European Organization for Quality (EOQ) since 1967. In 1994, it was the first member organisation to be recognised as a personal certification body and has since been authorised to issue valid EOQ personal certificates in the areas of quality, risk and environmental management throughout Europe. The EOQ is in close dialogue with the European Community and actively participates in the work of European and international organisations specialising in the development and promotion of quality, personal certification and related issues. In doing so, it participates in international standardisation projects at ISO, CASCO, IAF and IPC.
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