Please contact us using the form below or by e-mail. Name des FormularsInformationenE-Mail der verantw. PersonSpracheSeiten IDContact formFields marked with * must contain entriesSalutation MsMrFirst nameLast nameCompanyStreet, No.ZIPCityE-mail addressYour message/requestE-Mail-Adresse (Honeypot)I accept the privacy policyI accept the privacy policy Submit AddressSAQ Swiss Association for Quality Ramuzstrasse 15 3027 Bern Schweiz+41 (0)31 330 99 00Enable JavaScript to view this protected content. Further information in the section «Who we are» What we stand for SAQ lives quality to promote the competitiveness of Swiss SMEs. The conduct towards internal and external parties is respectful, fair and transparent. Central Committee The Zentral Committee is the governing body of the SAQ. It is responsible for determining the medium-term strategy and goals.